Quick, come with me; I've got something I want you to see.
(whispers) Be real quiet so we don't disturb them. Let's creep a little closer and look in the doorway.
(barely audible) He's here! Do you see Him?
Right there in her arms...that's Him. He just got here not twenty minutes ago. He's brand new.
It's close to midnight here, and the angels are just now proclaiming His birth to the shepherds. I guess this is the calm before the storm. This is Silent Night.
What do you think heavenly baby breath smells like?
Does his tiny finger already hold sway over all creation?
He looks like any other baby, but He's hope wrapped in swaddling clothes. He's Peace laying on a bed of hay. He's Joy in a stable. He's Love come to earth.
I want to hold Him.
I want to laugh and swing Him in the air with Joy.
I want to hold Him close and hear his little heart beat for me.
I want to gaze into His little infinite eyes and tell Him how sorry I am He had to come.
I want to sit and stare and marvel at who I am and who God is.
He's here. That sentence makes no sense. God is here.
He left Heaven. He left Glory, Power, Radiance, and Infinity to become plain, lowly, small, and finite. He left for me, and for you.
The shepherds are on their way now, and the wisemen are noticing a new star.
In a few years He'll be in Egypt, and in a few years more, He'll be at home in Nazareth. Then He'll go to Jerusalem as a boy and stun the religious leaders with His knowledge...of Himself. How funny is that. They will be amazed at His knowledge...but He'll just be telling them about Himself.
In thirty years, He'll walk out onto the banks of the Jordan where John is baptizing. Then He'll start...He'll start being the Jesus who changes the world. He'll heal the sick, the lame, and the blind. People will come from all over to have Him touch their aching and broken bodies.
He'll preach words that echo in eternity and pierce men's souls. He'll lay bare the human soul and shine the light of heaven into it's dark depths. He'll rail at the religious establishment, but will call the wounded and hurting to find healing in Him.
He will show the world who the Father is, and they will hate Him for it. In thirty three years, they will band together and scream for this babe to be crucified. And on that day, this wee naked babe cooing in His mother's arms...will bear my shame.
Everything I have ever done and will ever do will be placed on His shoulders, and He will die for them.
For me.
For you.
For us.
Then, three days later...the Father will raise Him up. The scars will still be there, but they won't matter except to proclaim that payment has been made for me. For you. For us.
Then He will return to heaven and God will sit Him at His right side and will give Him the name that is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father.
Then, when the time is right, He's coming back for the Children of God. He's coming for the ones who trusted in Him, the only begotten Son. He's coming for the ones who loved the Son and followed His commandments. He's coming for the ones who took up there cross and followed Him.
He's coming; make no mistake about it. One day we will stand before Him and give an account of everything we have done and the only answer that will be worth anything will be, "What did you do with my Son, Jesus?"
Did you give your life to Him? Did you follow Him? Were you a true Christian?
Did you admit that you were a sinner? Did you believe that God sent Jesus to pay the debt for your sin by dying on the cross? Did you confess Him to be the Lord of your life?
Or did you not?
This baby did not stay in the manger. He did not come to stay in the manger. He came to set you free. Have you let Him set you free?
Eternal questions have eternal answers and eternal consequences. Don't make the mistake of leaving the baby in the manger.
I hear the shepherds coming. Look up; you can see the star. Hurry and stroke his little head one more time. Take a second and kiss His chubby cheek. Get one last glimpse of the infinite made finite as you slip out the doorway while the shepherds cautiously approach.
He's here. He came. Just like He said He would.
If he kept His promise once, He'll keep His promise again. One day He's coming again. Let the little baby in the manger of your nativity always remind you of that. Make sure He finds you ready. I love you all, Merry Christmas.
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Day 15 - Jesus
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