Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Nature of the Nativity: Day 14 - The Manger

It's Day 14...almost done with our journey. I've enjoyed our time together, and I hope you have too. Today we are going to place our manger in the stable and get it ready for Jesus to come tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Nature of the Nativity: Day 13 - The Scribes

Well, it's lucky day 13 of our journey through the nativity, and it happens to fall on a Friday! (cue suspenseful music) I'm writing this on Wednesday/Thursday, so it should be safe. Let's jump right in and get back to work on our nativity. Today I want to look at the Scribes. I'm sure some of you are looking at me confused because you don't remember any scribes in the Christmas story. Some of you are having issues with the whiteboard my scribes are using. Just go with it. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Nature of the Nativity: Day 12 - King Herod

It's Day 12! Christmas is almost here. I hope you're ready for all the holiday excitement; we don't want any Scrooges or Grinches this year. Speaking of Scrooges and Grinches, today we are going to look at King Herod. I know that you won't find King Herod in a nativity, but he is an integral part of the Wisemen's and Jesus' I needed another post to get to 15. So let's unwrap our King Herod figurine and give him a look. Don't you love how his arms are crossed? It makes him look rather haughty and unhappy.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Nature of the Nativity: Day 11 - The Wisemen

It's Day 11, and we begin our 2nd trimester of our nativity journey. I bet some of you pregnant moms wished your trimesters were this fast. After today, there's just four more days left. That should make my wife happy; I tend to get a little focused at night clicking away on the keyboard. Today we are going to unwrap the wisemen and stick them in our nativity.